Surprise Lilies


After a light rain last night,
I woke up to find these greeting me along the front porch rail.

These blooms are always welcome while we wait for autumn’s flowers to open, 
and as we begin to prune away the wilting flowers of spring.

I didn’t plant these bulbs.

My next-door-neighbor of years ago did.

Vera believed that if you told someone you planted a flower for them,
the plants would not survive, 
so for years,
flowers mysteriously grew and bloomed in my yard.

Although we lost Vera years ago,
all the flowers she planted in my yard continue to grow.

The leaves of these lilies grow in the early spring,
and after they die and I cut them back,
they slip into dormancy.


Just when I need a little color 
as summer begins to lose its fierceness, 
the flowers suddenly shoot up.

For a few days, 
my garden is once again bright 
and this year, 
the hummingbirds have been ongoing visitors.

Thank you, Vera, for these moments of color…
